All this week, I’ve had a special Christmas Giveaway going on. One reader will win a 2-disc DVD set of the TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Holiday Edition, which includes one of my favorite Christmas movies, The Shop Around the Corner. In addition to the four films, the giveaway winner will also receive a selection of hot chocolate in a variety of flavors. This little contest is just my way of sharing something I love about the holidays and showing my appreciation for all of you, my readers. 🙂 (Awwww)
- TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Holiday
- A selection of Land O Lakes Hot Chocolate
Hopefully you entered as many ways as you could. If not, well, it’s too late now – sorry – because the winner has already been randomly selected (Thank you, Rafflecopter!). 🙂
Now before I announce the winner, I just knew that I had to include a clip from my #1 favorite Christmas movie, It’s A Wonderful Life. While my prize definitely isn’t as exciting as “a million dollars,” maybe it’ll at least brighten your day and make you say, like young George Bailey, “Hot Dog!”
Okay…drumroll, please.
The Christmas Giveaway Winner is Rachel S!
Congratulations! I’ll be contacting you shortly to make arrangements to get your prize headed your way.
Thanks, again, to everyone who entered.