Life in Lape Haven

Author - Kishona

My First Blogiversary

Life in Lape Haven: My First Blogiversary: Thoughts of My 1st Year of Blogging. As I celebrate the first anniversary of my blog, I'm sharing how much this unexpected path has blessed me.

Last year on August 7, I hit “Publish” on what would be my first official post of my blog. While I had been adding content for a few weeks, it was the first day that my blog would actually “go live,” the day that I would share it on Facebook and other social media, and the day that I officially became a blogger.

I remember my hands were actually shaking for a while after I hit that button and shared the post. My boys and I watched the “Real Time” stats on my WordPress Dashboard, so we could see how many people were clicking on the link and checking out my site. It was exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.

As I shared in my initial post, I never wanted to write a blog. Be an author, sure. Blogger, not so much. But as I look back over the past year, I’m glad that I stepped out and followed God’s leading. If nothing else, it’s been a test of faith and obedience.

But of course, God’s plans are always bigger than ours, so this blog has proven to be a blessing in many more ways than I expected.

First of all, it has given this stay-at-home mom a creative outlet, and a confirmation that God’s purpose never lets any of our talents or gifts go to waste when we trust Him with them. As someone who grew up scribbling stories and ideas into notebook after notebook, followed by high school classes in journalism and Honors English, and then having my first job be a position at the local newspaper, writing was just a part of who I was. Even once I moved into different jobs outside of newspaper, I still wrote often for work and at home, up until I got married and became a mommy. Children tend to require a good bit of time and attention, and writing fell by the wayside until God asked me to pick it up again.

Life in Lape Haven: My First Blogiversary: Thoughts of My 1st Year of Blogging. As I celebrate the first anniversary of my blog, I'm sharing how much this unexpected path has blessed me.

But this type of writing is different and much more personal. I’m not reporting on events or typing emails and memos to other employees or company contacts. I’m sharing my heart with the world (Although, let’s be honest, it’s mostly a handful of people at a time.).

One of the biggest blessings, though, in writing this blog has been seeing how my vulnerability and sharing my life’s little moments and revelations have encouraged, challenged, and helped others. I suddenly have a reach far beyond my little staying-at-home-most-every-day cocoon. I can minister to people I will never meet in person, whether it’s sharing comfort that God has given me (For Such a Time as This), telling my stories of everyday life (Going “Naked” at the Water Park) or my experiences growing up (Confessions of a Preacher’s Kid), finding profound lessons in what my boys say and do (Out of the Mouth of Babes), or even trying out recipes and simple household solutions and letting you know what works (Grease stains? I know how to treat them!).

While there have been many frustrating and/or tiring days and nights as I found (and am still finding) fringe moments to write, set up, and share my posts, I’m looking back over this year with a deep sense of accomplishment and gratitude for God planning this for me and staying with me every step of the way.

Also along for the ride have been my two biggest helpers and fans – my husband and my mother. They have both believed in me from my first hesitant suggestions that this was something God might possibly, maybe, want me to do. Not only has Brad been my technical support (he built the server my blog is on), but he’s definitely my biggest cheerleader. He has stayed up with me countless nights to help me proof those last minute posts, simply because he didn’t want me to be alone, and he proudly shares every one of them on social media.

My mom is always quick to help me out, proofing and reading any post drafts that I email her and helping me with titles and providing a good sounding board so I know that I’m saying what I want to be saying. 🙂

I’m also overwhelmingly thankful for the support I’ve had on this journey so far from all of my readers, especially those of you who have followed me from the beginning, as well as the many blogging friends I have made along the way. Hopefully I have been able to bless or encourage you all in some way over the last 12 months.

When I started this adventure last August, I couldn’t’ have imagined how much I’d learn and how I’d grow in so many areas of my life just by sharing bits and pieces of it with others. (There’s a lesson there…)

Looking ahead to the next year, it’s hard to imagine what God will do through my writing on this blog, but He’s already proven Himself more than faithful to help me accomplish what He’s called me to do and to bless me abundantly in the process.

19 Old Wives’ Tales & Myths for Predicting Your Baby’s Gender

Life in Lape Haven: Tried It Tuesday - 19 Old Wives' Tales & Myths for Predicting Your Baby's Gender. Do old wives' tales actually work to correctly predict a baby's gender? I put 19 to the test and compared them with our actual ultrasound.

Probably the two questions that I’ve heard even more this pregnancy than both of my other ones have been: “Do you know what you’re having?” (I always answer, “A baby,” even though I know they’re asking about the gender), and “Are you hoping for a girl?”

Because we have two boys, there are plenty of people who really want us to have a girl, our two boys included. And since the grandchildren on my side of the family are only boys so far – 8 in a row , and Brad’s side has only one girl and then 5 boys in a row…well, there are plenty of hopes for a girl soon to break those streaks as well.

Brad and I, however, are fine either way. We’d like a girl, but we also love having boys. Plus we have basically everything we’d need for a boy, and we’re getting pretty good at parenting boys.

Well, yesterday we reached that big milestone that many expectant parents look forward to: The 20-Week Ultrasound. You know, the one they do at 18-20 weeks to measure and check all the baby’s body parts, including those that will reveal the gender of your baby.

Since we are “finder-outers” who feel that the surprise of our baby’s gender is as much of a surprise now as it would be when he/she is born, we definitely opted to know if we were are having a boy or a girl.

However, before we did that, I took a suggestion from my sister-in-law (who is also expecting) to go through some old wives’ tales and myths for gender predicting so we can see how those results compare to the ultrasound.

There were way more out there than I have ever heard of, so I only did the ones that I really wanted to, but here are what the old wives’ tales say I should be having (stay with me, and I’ll let you know what the ultrasound showed us). Oh, and these are ALL just for fun. I don’t know that many of them have any scientific evidence to back them up, even though a few of them have proven to be surprisingly accurate more often than not for many moms-to-be.

Life in Lape Haven: Tried It Tuesday - 19 Old Wives' Tales & Myths for Predicting Your Baby's Gender. Do old wives' tales actually work to correctly predict a baby's gender? I put 19 to the test and compared them with our actual ultrasound.

19 Old Wives’ Tales & Myths to Predict Gender


I would guess that nearly every expectant mother has heard this one at some point. If you’re carrying the baby high, it’s a girl. If your baby belly is lower, it’s a boy.

For me, this bump looks pretty much like my other two, but I’m not sure if any of them were really high or low. However since it’s the same, we’ll say, BOY.



Supposedly the Chinese have had this one figured out for centuries. By looking at both the age of the mother when the baby was conceived and the month the baby was conceived, this chart can tell you whether you’re having a boy or a girl.

My results: BOY.



I remembered this one from my previous two pregnancies. According to this theory, if your baby’s heartbeat is below 140 beats per minute, you’re carrying a boy. If it’s over 140, it’s a girl.

Based on this, both of my boys should have been girls because they had higher heart rates. This time around, the baby’s heart is generally around 150, so GIRL? (Or just another active boy?)



If you have developed a serious sweet tooth with this pregnancy, this myth says that you’ve got a girl. If you are going more for the salty or sour items, expect a boy.

Sadly, I’ve never really had cravings! I was so looking forward to the quirky things I’d want when I was pregnant, but alas, I experience more food aversions than cravings. However, with Elijah I ate a lot of fruits and veggies, and with Josiah more sugar and sweets, probably because I was tired after chasing a toddler around while pregnant and needed a boost of energy.

This baby, I’m just coping with the nasty taste I struggle with all pregnancy as best as I can, and salty or sour things work better for that. So, BOY, I guess.


#5. Wedding Ring on a String

This is a crazy old tale, and it seems to have a few different versions, so I did two of them.

One is to put your wedding ring on a string or a piece of your hair (went with some thread for this), and hold the ring over your belly. If it starts going in a circle, you’ll have a boy. If it goes back and forth like a pendulum, it’s a girl. This one circled, so BOY.



However, another version is to dangle a necklace with a pendant over your hand or wrist. If it circles this time, it’s a girl. Pendulum swing, it’s a boy. This one also circled, but that would mean GIRL.



If you are seriously fighting morning sickness early on or continuously throughout your pregnancy, you might be having a girl. Slight or non-existent sickness could mean a boy.

This time around I have been more nauseated and have actually felt sicker more often.

Based on this idea: GIRL.



If you’re dealing with a lot of blemishes and breakouts throughout your pregnancy, you can expect a daughter, or so this theory says since an old tale says that a girl steals her mother’s beauty. For me, this means BOY.



If you have been having colder feet lately, blame your little boy. If your tootsies are fine and toasty, it’s a girl.

It’s summer, so I’m not sure how accurate this one’s going to be because my feet have been plenty warm. GIRL.



Okay, if this is TMI for you, just move past it. However, this belief states that if you notice that you are slightly lopsided up top, you can predict your baby’s gender. If your right side is bigger, it’s a boy. If it’s your left, it’s a girl.




This one says that when you dream of your baby, if you dream of a boy, it’s actually a girl. If you’re dreaming of a girl, expect a boy. Your dreams supposedly show the opposite of what you’re having.

I’ve had two dreams of a baby boy, so does that mean a GIRL?



According to this one, if the hair on your legs is growing in faster than normal, you’re having a boy.

Thankfully that hasn’t  happened to me because shaving when you’re pregnant is enough of a PAIN!  So, GIRL.


#13. CRAVINGS, Part 2

If the expectant mom is craving proteins, such as meat and cheese, she can plan on a boy.

Don’t know that it’s a craving, but cheese is something that I CAN eat. BOY.



Yeah, kind of gross, but here’s what it says: If your pee is bright yellow, it’s a girl. Dull or clear, it’s a boy. I also saw the reverse of this, too – bright is for boys, and dull/clear is a girl. So…hmmm.

Plus if you’re taking a prenatal vitamin (which will make urine quite bright) and drinking the water you should be (which will give you clearer results), this test is just going to be all kinds of confused.




If you can only think of names for one gender, that’s the gender you’ll have.

For us, we’ve only come up with girls’ names so far…GIRL.


This old wives’ tale says that if you’re gaining all your weight out front, you’ll have a boy. But if your weight is spread out all over, you’ve got a girl.




If you are experiencing headaches during your pregnancy, this theory says it’s because you’re going to have a boy.

No headaches here, so GIRL, although I don’t think I’ve ever had headaches with my boys (not until after they were born, anyway. Haha).


#18. SKIN

Dry skin during pregnancy is said to be caused by carrying a boy, while smooth, soft skin can be the result of expecting a girl.

I haven’t noticed any major dry skin, so we’ll say GIRL.



Do you have siblings? If so, you can predict your child’s gender by looking at the gender order for you and your brothers and sisters.

Were you  the first born? You’ll have what your mom had, only starting at the second child.

If you’re in the middle, start with her third child.

For the baby of the family, you get to copy your mother’s order exactly.

Thankfully, my parents had three kids, so this works out easily for us. I don’t know how you do this if your parents only have one or two children.

According to this, we’re due for a GIRL.



Based on these old wives’ tales:

7/19 Point to a BOY

11/19 Say expect a GIRL

1/19 Inconclusive



Of course, none of these old wives’ tales, myths, and internet ideas are as accurate as what an ultrasound can reveal. Even though some ultrasounds have been proven wrong when the baby is actually born (surprise it’s NOT a boy!), they are generally correct 90-95% of the time.

Our ultrasounds have been pretty obvious each time, even to Brad, who can’t always follow all the shadows and blobs on the screen. (Love you, honey!)  And since I’m…ahem…older this time around, we actually have to have our ultrasounds done at the hospital because they have better technology to screen for deformities and issues that are statistically a higher risk since I’m now over 35. So, if we could tell the first two times, we should definitely be able to tell this time around with better equipment and picture quality.

And this ultrasound was just as easy to tell. It was no different. And by no different, I mean we’ve seen this kind of ultrasound before…twice. 🙂


Life in Lape Haven: Tried It Tuesday - 19 Old Wives' Tales & Myths for Predicting Your Baby's Gender. Do old wives' tales actually work to correctly predict a baby's gender? I put 19 to the test and compared them with our actual ultrasound.

We are very happy to announce that we will be welcoming our THIRD boy! Even though our boys were kind of hoping for a girl, they were very quick to embrace the idea of having a new little brother, and Brad and I are preparing for all the fun ahead with keeping up with three active boys. (By the way, we made our own color powder to put in a balloon.)

So, less than half of the old wives’ tales agreed with our ultrasound.

EXPECTANT MOMS, WHAT WERE YOUR RESULTS? Have you tried any of these or other old wives’ tales to predict your baby’s gender? What does your ultrasound show (or what did you have)? Let me know, and I can update this article with your totals, too!


The Most Annoying Pregnancy Symptom That I’d Never Heard Of

The Best Thing I’ve Gotten for Myself This Pregnancy

Welcoming Isaiah: A Birth Story That Didn’t Quite Follow My Plan

10 Items That Helped Us Adjust to Life with a New Baby

5 Tips & Tricks That I Learned with My 3rd Baby That I Wish I’d Known with My 1st


For Such a Time as This: Placing Our Children’s Future in God’s Hands

For Such a Time as This: Placing Our Children's Future in God's Hands. With so much uncertainty and chaos in the world around us, it can be frightening to think about what the future holds for our children. But God reminds me, often, that He is the One in control, and He has a purpose and plan for our children for such a time as this.

Over the last few years, months, and even weeks, it seems as if the world and people throughout America have gone crazy – terrorists, racial tension and division, corruption throughout the government, policemen under attack around the country, random shootings, and more.

I keep hearing people ask, “What is this world coming to?” or saying, “I can’t even imagine what the future is going to be like for our children and grandchildren.”

And it can feel frightening, especially when I look at our three beautiful little boys, so young, joyful, energetic, and innocent.

What kind of world will my children grow up in? What will they have to face or stand against?

I don’t know, and at times, I don’t think I would want to know if I could.

Life in Lape Haven: For Such a Time as This: Placing Our Children's Future in God's Hands. With so much uncertainty and chaos in the world around us, it can be frightening to think about what the future holds for our children. But God reminds me, often, that He is the One in control, and He has a purpose and plan for our children for such a time as this.

However, when the chaos of the world around us tries to grip this mother’s heart in fear, God reminds me:  “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelations 1:8)

He alone holds the future. He knows what’s coming tomorrow, in six months, next year, in ten years, and beyond. He’s been there. And He’s still in control.

And just like Esther of the Old Testament was set apart for a specific moment in time, so, too, are my children and your children or grandchildren. God knew when they would be born (or will be born). He’s not surprised or worried for them. It’s all part of His plan and part of the plan He has for their lives. He has called them and planned them for such a time as this.

God told the Prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

Life in Lape Haven: For Such a Time as This: Placing Our Children's Future in God's Hands. With so much uncertainty and chaos in the world around us, it can be frightening to think about what the future holds for our children. But God reminds me, often, that He is the One in control, and He has a purpose and plan for our children for such a time as this.

Jeremiah was destined to be a prophet before anyone besides God even knew he was going to exist. Sometimes I watch my boys playing, and I wonder what amazing things God has in store for them. As young as they are, I’m only just now seeing their talents and abilities develop and grow. However, God already knows what He’s placed inside of them and the destiny that He has written for them.

All I can do is nurture their gifts and lay a solid foundation of faith for them, praying for them (and our crazy world) and being a living example of what it means to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

Since I don’t know what the future holds, my job is to point my children continuously to the One who does so that no matter what they face or experience in their lives, they know Him whom they have believed, and they can stand strong and confident in Him as they follow the purpose and calling He has planned for them.

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Psalm 139:16
Get more ideas & encouragement from this real-life mom as I experience God’s faithfulness through the joy and chaos of motherhood.
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Trusting God through Kindergarten

Growing Up on Manna: How Your Struggles Can Build a Legacy of Faith for Your Children

Our “Vision Verse” for Our Children

The Parable of the Dough


Feature picture courtesy of

Tried It Tuesday: Homemade Blackberry Muffins

Life in Lape Haven: Tried It Tuesday: Homemade Blackberry Muffins. Delicious, quick, and easy homemade muffin recipe using fresh blackberries and a secret ingredient to give you tender, fluffy muffins.

One of the many things I love about summer and this time of year is that you can get all kinds of fresh fruit and veggie. I especially look forward to all the berries – blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

There are so many yummy ways to enjoy fresh berries, but the down side is, if you don’t eat them or make something with them, they will go bad quickly. (Booo.) Sadly, this week I had to throw out some once-upon-a-time beautiful strawberries that I had only had for a couple days. It was so disappointing. Looking around at the containers of blackberries and blueberries nearby, I was determined to make good use of those other berries that I had purchased at the same time as the strawberries before they, too, got mushy, moldy, and yucky.

The blackberries were my first concern because they tend to have a shorter shelf life than blueberries. Plus, I already have a great recipe for blueberry hand pies.

So, the hunt was on for a new blackberry recipe that would use up my 12 ounces of tasty blackberries and one that wouldn’t be too involved. (It’s VBS week here, so our days are busy.)

Thankfully, I found one quickly, and before long the boys were anxiously awaiting their first taste of homemade blackberry muffins.

Life in Lape Haven: Tried It Tuesday: Homemade Blackberry Muffins. Delicious, quick, and easy homemade muffin recipe using fresh blackberries and a secret ingredient to give you tender, fluffy muffins.

This recipe was very easy to put together – mix your dry ingredients, mix your wet ingredients, combine them all together, add your berries, fill your tins, bake, EAT. Plus, muffins are perfect anytime of the day – breakfast, snack, dessert, or anytime this expectant mommy is hungry…again. 🙂

According to Simply Recipes, where I got this blackberry muffin recipe, the secret to these muffins being tender and fluffy is the sour cream. However, for my version, I used plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream because it’s what we had, and it worked out wonderfully. I also used a bit more cinnamon.

I found that my muffins could have actually come out of the oven EARLIER than 17 minutes, which was the shortest cook time given. I would say maybe 15 minutes would have been perfect. Since my muffins overcooked just a smidge, they were a little drier than I had hoped once they cooled. But they are still yummy. Oh, and just a reminder:  expect some seeds since you’re baking with blackberries. 🙂

Overall, these are definitely some muffins I’ll be baking again. I may even try them with blueberries instead of blackberries, maybe in the next few days since I have some blueberries that I don’t want to go bad.

Here’s how I made Homemade Blackberry Muffins.
Delicious, quick, and easy homemade muffin recipe using fresh blackberries and a secret ingredient to give you tender, fluffy muffins.

Our Favorite Children’s Book About Pregnancy & Babies

Life in Lape Haven: Our Favorite Children's Book about Pregnancy & Babies. We love this simple, easy to read story about where babies come from. Perfect for young children & preschoolers. Informative without giving too much information.

When Elijah was about a year and a half old, I came across a children’s book that I knew we had to get. We were shopping at the thrift store, which is where about 75 percent of our kids’ library has come from, and I picked up a book titled, When You Were Inside Mommy. Giving it a quick glance through, it seemed simple enough for Elijah to understand and enjoy, so I figured it was worth the 90-cents. Plus, knowing that a second child was most likely in our future, a book for young children about babies and where they come from was going to come in handy.

Life in Lape Haven: Our Favorite Children's Book about Pregnancy & Babies. We love this simple, easy to read story about where babies come from. Perfect for young children & preschoolers. Informative without giving too much information.

This cute little book, written by Joanna Cole (author of the Magic School Bus series), quickly became one of his favorites, as well as mine. He loved learning about what it was like for him as he grew inside Mommy’s tummy, and it often led to stories from my pregnancy with him, such as how he liked to kick when I turned to my left side or how we decided on his name.

The story is written in simple terms but with enough information that a young child learns about how babies grow in the womb, how they get food and air through the umbilical cord, and how Mommy and Daddy waited and waited for their baby’s arrival. And while it’s informative, it doesn’t give too much information or create too many questions. (Also, while this story is about a mother giving birth vaginally at the hospital, you could easily add in your own details if you had a C-section or home birth or whatever your birth story might entail.)

By the time I was expecting Josiah, Elijah had a pretty good handle on the basics of what was going on with his little brother inside Mommy’s tummy and what would happen when Josiah was born. This book was on regular rotation at bedtime for most of that pregnancy.

Life in Lape Haven: Our Favorite Children's Book about Pregnancy & Babies. We love this simple, easy to read story about where babies come from. Perfect for young children & preschoolers. Informative without giving too much information.

And it’s back, again, for our third time around, with Josiah being the one fascinated with how it was when he was a baby and also how our newest baby is growing. He loves watching YouTube videos about how babies develop in utero (the boys enjoy seeing how big the baby is each week – this week we have an avocado), and he likes to point out the “bilical” cord, since he knows what it does, thanks to this book.

I say that this is our favorite book on where babies come from, but honestly, we haven’t really read many others. We haven’t needed to. And while it is geared toward ages two to four, Elijah still likes to read it, and I know that we’re going to keep this one in our collection for years to come.

While I picked up our copy at the thrift store, you can also find it on Amazon. Here is my affiliate link (which means that at no additional cost to you, I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through that link): When You Were Inside Mommy.

Life in Lape Haven: Our Favorite Children's Book about Pregnancy & Babies. We love this simple, easy to read story about where babies come from. Perfect for young children & preschoolers. Informative without giving too much information.


Yummy Cherry Cream Cheese Bars

Life in Lape Haven: Tried It Tuesday: Yummy Cherry Cream Cheese Bars, These tasty little treats layer dough with a homemade cherry pie filling, cream cheese, and a sweet glaze. Great way to use fresh cherries!

Have you every picked fresh cherries? Have you ever picked fresh cherries with your children? Those are two very different events, aren’t they? 🙂

Even if it’s a little crazier, it’s definitely a lot more fun when the kids get to take part!

Since Elijah was about two or three, one of our summer traditions has been to help my parents harvest the cherries from their row of cherry trees. We’ve spent a day or two each June picking cherries, and the boys love that they can reach some of the cherries and help Grandma and Grandpa.

They have a wonderful time getting their hands sticky as they fill their buckets and wander from tree to tree, picking a few cherries from each one. Each boy tries to get more cherries than his brother, although Josiah tends to get tired of picking cherries sooner than Elijah is.

Life in Lape Haven: Tried It Tuesday: Yummy Cherry Cream Cheese Bars, These tasty little treats layer dough with a homemade cherry pie filling, cream cheese, and a sweet glaze. Great way to use fresh cherries!

After we take our buckets inside, I get to spend some time that night or the next day separating and pitting whatever my boys and I have collected. Talk about getting tired…

Last year’s picking was especially memorable because it was a very bountiful year, plus on one of the days we went over, we were there the same time as two of Elijah and Josiah’s cousins, so the four boys helped to gather quite a few cherries (when they weren’t chasing each other around the trees)! We ended up with so many cherries that I think I might still have some in the freezer!

This year’s harvest was definitely less impressive, but our family still managed to come away with enough cherries to make something yummy. My sweet mom even pitted them for us (me) before we left their house.

My first step when I have fresh cherries is either to go ahead and freeze them or to make homemade cherry pie filling. I have found a really tasty recipe for cherry pie filling over at Crumbs and Chaos.

Life in Lape Haven: Tried It Tuesday: Yummy Cherry Cream Cheese Bars, These tasty little treats layer dough with a homemade cherry pie filling, cream cheese, and a sweet glaze. Great way to use fresh cherries!

Since I’m not a huge cherry pie fan, I wanted to find a new recipe to use our cherries in. My parents’ cherry trees produce sour cherries, so I knew it had to be something with enough sweetness to balance the tartness.

I thought about making hand pies with the cherry filling, but then I remembered a cherry pie bar I made last year with some of our bounty. However, this year I couldn’t find the recipe that I used. Instead, I came across another one that I had saved a while ago, one that adds a cream cheese layer to the bars.

Cream cheese? Why, yes. I think we will try that! 🙂

I don’t think I’ll even need to worry about that other cherry pie bar recipe.

These Cherry Cream Cheese Bars by Inspired by Charm are delicious. The cream cheese and the almond extract really set these cherry bars apart. While they are a little involved, with all the layering you have to do, they are worth it!

They were great while they were still slightly warm (though kind of messy to cut), and they were really yummy once they were cooled completely, but they are perfect when topped with some vanilla ice cream. I took them to our family reunion over the weekend, and everyone else loved them as much as we did.

I’m pretty certain you will, too.

Here’s how I made these Yummy Cherry Cream Cheese Bars.

Homemade cherry pie filling plus a smooth cream cheese layer combine to make a delicious bar, perfect on its own or a la mode.


Get more ideas, recipes, & encouragement from this real-life mom as I experience God’s faithfulness through the joy and chaos of motherhood.

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Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

Sweet Vinegar Slaw

Chocolate Cake with “Simple” Bavarian Cream Filling & Chocolate Ganache

Making Grandma’s Lime Pickles